My Birthday!!!! Glitter Goddess Birthday 2016

Glitter Goddess Birthday 2016It’s incredible how many birthday gifts I’ve already received! So with about a month to prepare, I’m taking all the stress out of it and I’ve put together a list of my wants, desires, and birthday wishes. Any of these would be lovely to receive and if your heart’s desire is to surprise me with something else, that’s also awesome.

Squarecash (US debit card):$wgg
Giftrocket (US credit card):

Airbnb gift card: $200
I do a lot of traveling and using airbnb often lets me choose places to stay that are nicer or have a better location than hotels. I can use one gift card per trip so that’s why I’m requesting $200, the max amount a gift card can be. This is a very special gift. to [email protected]

Wholefoods Gift Cards: up to $100 each card 
I absolutely love Whole Foods and with gift cards for my b-day I can get the necessities. You know! Champagne and truffles!
Link to purchase through amazon: here
… and send to my email address: [email protected]

Amazon Wishlist 
Literally the easiest way to see what I want, get it, and have it show up to my home for me to unwrap and enjoy!!

P.S.  I’ll be updating my amazon wishlist often up until my birthday, so anything on there is current!